
To allow participants to easily submit their results, as well as to have an automated pipeline for processing and managing these results, a simple website was created to enable participants to upload their files.

To use the upload website, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the upload website: https://ibsi.radiomics.hevs.ch
  2. Sign in with a GitHub account
  3. After the first login, enter the name of your research Team (suggestions based on existing teams will be given)
  4. For IBSI 1, open the corresponding section, then drag&drop ".xls" or ".xlsx" files to the "drop zone"
  5. For IBSI 2, open the corresponding section, then drag&drop ".gz" or ".nii" files to the "drop zone"
    1. After uploading one or more files, select the corresponding "Filter ID" for each one
    2. Click on "Submit files"
You can also manage your submissions for IBSI 2 using the "Manage My Submission" button, in order to see all your submitted results and possibly retract a submission if it was incorrect (wrong file, wrong "Filter ID" selected, etc.)

Finally, you can visualize the latest results (from all teams) for each "Filter ID" as either a "Scatter plot" or a "Box plot" using the buttons at the bottom of the page.